Top Five Questions People Ask That Jackie Kessler Must Lay to Rest:
I asked Jackie to give me this list, which cracked me up. So here you go:
Top Five Questions People Ask That Jackie Kessler Must Lay to Rest:
5. No, I’m not a superhero in real life. Although juggling two full-time jobs and a family with young kids should qualify as a super power.
4. Yes, I have a weakness, just as every superhero has a weakness. Mine is chocolate.
3. No, I’m not really Caitlin Kittredge in disguise.
2. My favorite super hero author is Neil Gaiman. Which is ironic, considering that SANDMAN isn’t about superheroes. A very close second: Matt Wagner.
And the No. 1 question that people ask Jackie that she must lay to rest:
1. Yes, even Jet is taller than me.
(See her NEW RELEASE, BLACK AND WHITE and the description in the post below this.)
Oh now I'm totally disappointed. Just kidding. Love your work Jackie!!
And of course, you too, Toni
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