Tuesday, July 29, 2008

RWA / San Francisco

I am nearly packed and will be in San Francisco for the week at the RWA conference. This is going to be an awesome week, and I know I'm going to see a lot of familiar faces.

(I'm also one of those people who will look straight at someone I know and if I see them out of context, I will not recognize them. I've even done this to my husband.. er... after we'd been married eight years. So all the faces are going to be a challenge, and I'm just telling everyone ahead of time, I am totally cheating and reading the name tags first.)

I hope to take photos and get 'em up next week. I would say I will get them posted here next week, but you all know that would be a total lie.

y'all take care,


Sunday, July 13, 2008

gun expert...

Gun expert Nancie Hays answers questions over on Murderati today (and on The Lipstick Chronicles yesterday). Both blogs are chock full of helpful Q & A's for writers. Check it out!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Contest winners...

(The winner of WILL SHE FREAKING EVER ANNOUNCE ANYTHING contest would be me, because clearly, I am waaaaaaaaay behind. But below... winners of various contests.)

For the photo contest (which was a very cool one with a lot of prizes, including a $50 B*N gift certificate and signed books and other stuff), here are the three winners (in order, first, second, third) and their terrific photos! Yay!

Lori C****** and her daughters! Pictured is Elodie and oldest daughter, Kaylee is the photographer! Great job, Kaylee!

Second place was Beatrice C*** -- who took the shot at the bookstore (after intrepid researching to find them):

Third place was Mia M****n:

The photos were all TERRIFIC and I loved seeing where everyone took them. Next time, I will make that contest easier. And the prizes should all be mailed out by the end of the week. Thank you for participating!

On to other contest winners:

Dakota Cassidy's winner has been announced on her site: Gina G**** -- YAY Gina. You will get a signed copy of book #1 and the $15 gift certificate to B&N as well as a couple of goodies.

Fresh Fiction winner: Shelly C****n -- congrats to Shelly for winning a signed copy of the book *and* a Bobbie Faye survival basket. (address received, Shelly, thanks!)

CJ Lyons contest winner: Jeanne P -- should have received a notification tonight.

AuthorBuzz Winners -- have now all been notified by email -- and they include the following (I am not writing last names here for privacy issues, but you should have an email from me in your in-box as of 7/7/08):

Jackie La*****
Kay M*******
Sydney P****
Melody C********
Carol M****

AND LOOK: ANOTHER CONTEST UNDERWAY: A Christmas in July... a bunch of Bobbie Faye stuff: go here

I think that might have gotten me caught up on the pending contests, but if you know of one I've missed, let me know. (It is entirely possible.)